Всеки споделено работно пространство има различна вибрация
ул. „Хан Омуртаг“ 36, 1124 ж.к. Яворов, София
Overtaim Park – is a coworking office for people that want to work in a fancy building with 24/7 access.
сградата на South Mall, етаж 2, Студентски Град, София.
Overtaim South – is a coworking space which is the best place for freelancers and small startups. You can become part of a very nice community.
ul. “Han Omurtag” 36, 1124 g.k. Yavorov, Sofia
Overtaim Sport – for people who want to work, meet, do sport (tennis, basketball, football and etc.) and have fun with other co-workers in the city center of Sofia.