Overtaim Sport Coworking is a place which combines sport and coworking. It is a perfect place where you could rent a desk and, in the meantime, you could play basketball, tennis or football. We also organize big events in the big hall where we could host up to 1000 people. Overtaim Sport Coworking is situated in the oldest higher military school in Bulgaria – Military Academy “G. S. Rakovski, downtown Sofia with its own parking. The location of the new Coworking Office in the new multifunctional sport center is not accidental and is more than symbolic – the main sports hall is located on the site of the renovated royal arena, which together with the other buildings of the Academy is a cultural monument. The coworking office is on the second floor of Royal Arena (Royal Arena was built in 1892) and around you also have football fields, tennis courtsand a park. All buildings were there about a century ago and the Bulgarian cavalrymen were trained in riding and cadets practiced military training and took the oath in the royal arena. It is a perfect place for people who would like to work.
Ковид19, новият вирус постави нови навици за работа от вкъщи, което води до негативни ефекти върху работещите като: бърнаут, асоциализация, по-малко движение и спорт и т.н. Затова визията на Овъртайм Спорт Коуъркинг е да се превърне в място, където работещите могаат да работят, докато се социализират, спортуват или просто се забавялват заедно, когато си поискат. Ние предлагаме най-готината зона за релакс, предлагаща баскетболни и волейболни кортове, футболни и тенис игрища. Елате при нас просто да се заредите с положителна енергия и хъс за работа.
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OvertAim Sport Co-working space
ul. “Han Omurtag” 36, 1124 g.k. Yavorov, Sofia, Bulgaria